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How to Request Support

At Prosper IT, we understand the diverse preferences and needs of our clients when it comes to seeking assistance with technical challenges. That’s why we offer three distinct avenues to obtain the support you need. Whether you’re inclined towards the immediacy of a phone call, the convenience of email correspondence, or the self-guided empowerment of our comprehensive customer portal, we have you covered. Regardless of the method you opt for, rest assured that Prosper IT is dedicated to delivering an exceptional level of service and expertise, ensuring that your technical hiccups are swiftly and effectively resolved. Your satisfaction is our priority, no matter which path you choose.

Phone – (205) 201-1985

The phone option for obtaining support offers a direct and immediate avenue for you to seek assistance with your technical issues. With this method, you can communicate your problems verbally, enabling a more personalized and interactive troubleshooting experience. IT specialists on the other end of the line will ask clarifying questions in real time, gather essential details, and provide step-by-step guidance for issue resolution.

This mode of support is particularly useful for complex or urgent matters, as it allows for real-time dialogue and problem-solving, fostering a sense of reliability and human connection in addressing technical challenges. Please be prepared with the details surrounding the issue before calling in.

On that call, we will open a ticket for your issue which will generate an email for your reference. If we cannot solve your issue on that phone call, we may communicate with you again by phone or via a unique email that appends all interactions to your ticket. At any time, you may reply to the email with your ticket number to further communicate regarding your issue.

Email –

Emailing support offers a convenient approach to seeking IT support. This option allows you to articulate your technical issues comprehensively and provide relevant screenshots or error messages, facilitating a clear understanding of the problem. This method allows you to communicate in your own time, making it suitable for non-urgent matters. IT specialists will thoroughly analyze the information provided, research solutions, and deliver well-thought-out responses.

The email option is especially beneficial for those who prefer written communication and for tackling issues that may require research or collaboration among IT teams before formulating a comprehensive response. Once a ticket is open, we may communicate with you by phone or via a unique email that appends all interactions to your ticket. At any time, you may reply to the email with your ticket number to further communicate regarding your issue.

Portal –

With the Prosper IT Customer Portal, you can submit tickets and view the status of your tickets. With the appropriate level of permission, you can also view all tickets for your company, view and pay invoices, view projects, and manage other users’ access roles within the portal.

This method offers the most comprehensive and user-centric approach to resolving issues and managing your account. Once a ticket is open, we may communicate with you by phone or via a unique email that appends all interactions to your ticket. At any time, you may reply to the email with your ticket number to further communicate regarding your issue.

To gain access, simply sign in with the email address associated with your work account. If you are having trouble logging in, please email

Video: Learn More About the Prosper Client Portal

Other Contact Methods

We utilize a feature-rich ticketing system to keep accurate records, monitor the performance of our team, and provide better overall management of client needs. This functionality is lost when emailing or calling our support personnel directly. Therefore, we request that you only use the above contact methods.

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